Din annonce støtter kirken
Det koster 15 € / 110 DDK at annoncere gennem Den Danske Kirke.
Annoncen sendes via mail/post, og pengene betales kontant i kirken, sendes på en check eller overføres via netbank til:
Frederikskirken, DDK i Paris
IBAN: FR76 3000 4025 8600 0106 8111 296
NB! Mærk overførslen "annonce til Den Danske Kirke", og send kopi af overførslen og annoncetekst til ungkontor@frederikskirkenparis.dk.
Er du vores nye aupair i Paris?
Har du kørekort? Og kan du lide at lave mad? Er du hernede for at opleve Paris, og lære fransk, eller taler du allerede lidt fransk?
Da vores nuværende aupair meget gerne vil hjem til Danmark igen, søger vi ny aupair til skolekørsel og madlavning i ugens løb. Så snart som muligt, så skriv gerne allerede i dag.
Vi er en dansk-fransktalende familie på 3, der bor lige ved triumfbuen i Paris. Vores datter på 16 år går i skole i St Germain en Laye (ca 30 in kørsel). Efter skole spiller hun ofte tennis.
Og vi rejser ind i mellem begge to, og så det er rart, at der er nogen hjemme med vores datter, når vi begge er væk. Der er meget sjældent arbejde om aftenen eller i weekenden, så der har du fri og har tid til at gå til fransk et par gange om ugen.
Så vi søger en Aupair, som kan køre bil til og fra skole, og som køber ind og laver mad mandag til torsdag. Du skal gerne være glad, udadvendt og selvstændig og fleksibel i hverdagen.
Du får dit eget værelse på 8 sal (”chambre de bonne”) lige over vores lejlighed. Det er ca 15 kvadratmeter med en sovesofa, lille spisebord, skabe og lille køkken og brusekabine.
Vi betaler selvfølgelig for din bolig og mad, samt fransk Navigokort (tog, metro og bus) og så 550 euro (ca 4000 kr) om måneden i løn. Skriv på evaberneke@gmail.com eller tekstbesked på +33 7 55 64 64 66 (evt med whatsapp ikke alle tekstbeskedder går igennem).
Opslået 16.9.24
Hi and bonjour, potential host families!
My name is Laura, I’m a 20-year-old Danish girl from Copenhagen, excited to become an au pair as soon as possible! I’m a positive, patient, and responsible person who loves spending time with kids and helping them learn. You can count on me to get things done and be there when needed. I’m adaptable and excited to embrace a new culture and meet new people.
I come from a loving, creative family—my father works for the Danish government, and my mother teaches design and sustainable fashion. As the oldest sibling, I’ve always helped care for my younger sister (12 years younger) and brother (6 years younger). I also have experience working at a kindergarten and doing lots of babysitting.
I attended a classical music school from 2010-2020, where I studied music, choir, and theater alongside regular subjects. In high school, I specialized in English, French, and social sciences.
In my free time, I enjoy spending time with loved ones, being outdoors, reading, knitting, and cooking. Music has always been a big part of my life— and it is something I really enjoy and would love to share with the kids if they are interested. I started choir and piano at 9.
I’m fluent in Danish and English and have a good foundation in French. I studied French for several years in both primary school and high school. I’m eager to keep improving by immersing myself in the language and possibly attending language school in paris. I also picked up some German during my 4-month stay in Berlin.
I’d love to be an au pair in France to fully immerse myself in French culture, language, and traditions while helping children grow. I’m looking for a kind, open-hearted family in Paris to share this experience with!
Don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or to arrange a video call. You can reach me using the contact details below. I look forward to hearing from you!:)
Phone and whatsapp number: +45 52 1765 04
Email: lauradalmosebruun@gmail.com
Opslået 16.9.24
Hello my name is Louise and I am 19 years old and from Denmark.
I graduated high school this summer, and I am therefore looking for an experience in my gap year before continuing studying. My main subjects were math, physics and chemistry.
I would really like to become an au pair in France to experience the culture and better my French which I've studied for 3 years in high school.
I am kind, honest, dedicated and funny. In my free time I like to read, draw and hang out with friends along with baking and listening to music.
I am allergic to dogs and cats so pets would be a no go, but I hope to become a part of the family kind of like a big sister and get some international friends.
I can work from late august till end of june
Email: louise@baungaard.nu +45 23 91 22 86

Opslået 15.8.24
Looking for a host family
My name is Christian, and I am a positive and engaged 20-year-old young danish man looking to become an au pair for a host family in Paris. I am seeking work from August and 3-4 months onwards, and I look forward to becoming part of a friendly and welcoming family, speaking French and English, and helping you make everyday life easier.
A bit about me:
Languages: I speak fluent English and some French, although I am not yet fluent. I am hoping to take part in French classes when staying in Paris!
Experience: I have worked as a pedagogical assistant at a special school in Denmark for a year, where I cared for (and taught) children from 3 to 15 years old, which taught me how to get along and build a friendly and playful relation with children, while still maintaining an authoritative role as their teacher/pedagogue. In addition to this, I have also shortly been an assistant football coach. I studied French in high school and I have hereby previously stayed with a French family for a week as part of a school trip in high school.
Driver's license: I have a driver's license and can help with driving if necessary.
Skills: I am very responsible and reliable. I can help with many household chores and take care of the children, so your daily life becomes easier.
Homework help: I can help the children with their homework, especially in English and mathematics.
I am very interested in French culture and look forward to experiencing life in Paris. I have visited France once before wherein I spend a little of my time in Paris as well, which got me hooked and made me want to revisit the city, culture and lovely people! If you are looking for a dedicated and caring au pair who can bring positive energy to your home, I would love to hear from you!
Please feel free to contact me for further information or any questions.
Best regards,
Christian Juhl Hansen
Phone: +45 22 58 76 16
I hope to hear from you soon!

Opslået 25.6.24