Din annonce støtter kirken

Det koster 15 € / 110 DDK at annoncere gennem Den Danske Kirke.
Annoncen sendes via mail/post, og pengene betales kontant i kirken, sendes på en check eller overføres via netbank til: 

Frederikskirken, DDK i Paris
IBAN: FR76 3000 4025 8600 0106 8111 296

NB! Mærk overførslen "annonce til Den Danske Kirke", og send kopi af overførslen og annoncetekst til ungkontor@frederikskirkenparis.dk.

Looking for a host family


My name is Christian, and I am a positive and engaged 20-year-old young danish man looking to become an au pair for a host family in Paris. I am seeking work from August and 3-4 months onwards, and I look forward to becoming part of a friendly and welcoming family, speaking French and English, and helping you make everyday life easier.

A bit about me:

Languages: I speak fluent English and some French, although I am not yet fluent. I am hoping to take part in French classes when staying in Paris!
Experience: I have worked as a pedagogical assistant at a special school in Denmark for a year, where I cared for (and taught) children from 3 to 15 years old, which taught me how to get along and build a friendly and playful relation with children, while still maintaining an authoritative role as their teacher/pedagogue. In addition to this, I have also shortly been an assistant football coach. I studied French in high school and I have hereby previously stayed with a French family for a week as part of a school trip in high school.

Driver's license: I have a driver's license and can help with driving if necessary.

Skills: I am very responsible and reliable. I can help with many household chores and take care of the children, so your daily life becomes easier.

Homework help: I can help the children with their homework, especially in English and mathematics.

I am very interested in French culture and look forward to experiencing life in Paris. I have visited France once before wherein I spend a little of my time in Paris as well, which got me hooked and made me want to revisit the city, culture and lovely people! If you are looking for a dedicated and caring au pair who can bring positive energy to your home, I would love to hear from you!

Please feel free to contact me for further information or any questions.

Best regards,
Christian Juhl Hansen
Phone: +45 22 58 76 16

I hope to hear from you soon!

Opslået 25.6.24